Prescott Golf Club Handicap Policy

The following is from the Golf Canada guide on The World Handicap System (WHS):

“Together, the USGA and the R&A are responsible for writing and interpreting the Rules of Handicapping and the Course Rating System.

The USGA and the R&A are the joint governing authorities of the World Handicap System and are responsible for authorizing the use of the World Handicap System.

The Rules of Handicapping as approved by the United States Golf Association (“USGA”) and R&A Rules Limited (“The R&A”) and administered by the Authorized Association within its jurisdiction.

The World Handicap System includes the Rules of Handicapping and the Course Rating System. Its purpose is to enhance the enjoyment of the game of golf and to give as many golfers as possible the opportunity to:

  • Obtain and maintain a Handicap Index.
  • Use their Handicap Index on any golf course around the world.
  • Compete, or play a casual round, with anyone else on a fair and equal basis.

Responsibilities of Player, Handicap Committee and Authorized Association Players, Handicap Committees and Authorized Associations all play an important role in ensuring the Rules of Handicapping are being implemented and administered appropriately.

The main areas of responsibility for each key stakeholder are:
A player is expected to:

  • Act with integrity by following the Rules of Handicapping and refrain from using, or circumventing, the Rules of Handicapping for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage,
  • Attempt to make the best score possible at each hole,
  • Submit acceptable scores for handicap purposes as soon as possible after the round is completed and before midnight local time,
  • Submit acceptable scores to provide reasonable evidence of their demonstrated ability,
  • Play by the Rules of Golf, and
  • Certify the scores of fellow players.”


“The Handicap Committee plays a vital role in the successful administration of a player’s Handicap Index and is equipped with tools to intervene when the calculated Handicap Index is no longer reflective of the player’s demonstrated ability.

Used appropriately, these tools are designed to ensure that players are treated fairly and consistently from golf club to golf club.

The Committee in charge of the competition also plays an important role in setting appropriate Terms of the Competition for all participating players.”


A player who fails to submit scores accurately OR on a timely basis OR does not observe the spirit of the World Handicap System, may result in the Handicap Committee imposing the following penalties:

1st Offense
Penalty: Player will receive a written warning and scores will be monitored for 2 months.

2nd Offense
Penalty: Player’s handicap will be reduced to zero (0) for two months.

3rd Offense
Penalty: Player’s handicap and handicap card will be suspended and invalid for a period of one (1) year from the date of the suspension.

All complaints and suggestions by the membership on handicaps must be submitted in writing to the Handicap Committee to be considered and acted upon. Complaints must be based on actual documented evidence, if available.